Monday, September 22, 2008

Lunch With Dad!

Sometimes I feel a little left out living way over here on Turkey Lake! It's really only about 30 minutes from both our families but considering that both my married sisters live less than a minute from my dad's house, I'm pretty far away:) Recently I've had 3 family members come spend time at my apartment so it's been super fun for me. Today I had another special treat! My dad's office is only about 8 minutes from my apartment so he came over to pick me up and off we went to have lunch together. We went to Chic-fil-A and I enjoyed spending the time with him. I am so grateful to have such a wonderful dad and I hope he knows how much I love him! Here are a few pictures I found of us together.


Adam, Jenn + Collin said...

That is so fun! I love daddydaughter time, it's so special! I am so glad and jealous that you live so close to family! We miss you guys!